Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Making the perfect cuppa tea #tealovers

This is the most basic thing we learn in our life. Like since we are a child we watch our mother prepare tea for our dad, guests , herself and she also offers us tea with biscuits daily. So its really important to learn making tea at an early age and in the most perfect way.

Most of us start our day with a nice hot cup of Tea and we want it to be perfect since a perfect cup of tea gives us the perfect start to a great day.
Did you know when we drink a cup of tea in the morning our body feels terrific from within. Studies prove that it's a healthy beverage with tremendous health benefits. So feel free to sip your cup of tea or pour it in the saucer and enjoy it like me. However lets learn how to make a perfect cup of tea.

Ginger tea - Firstly crush the ginger with something hard and boil it with water, so you get the flavour of Ginger mixed with water, then add tea leaves and sugar as per taste and let it boil on a slow flame. lastly add milk as per requirement, for strong tea, add less milk , let it boil on a slow flame. Pour it from one vessel to another three to four times for a nice froth and strain and serve hot.
Benefits of Ginger tea Its helps solving stomach problems, an ideal remedy for joint and muscle pain and helps improve the blood circulation in the body.

Mint Tea - This is my favourite flavour of tea and I find it simple to make and extremely refreshing.  You can take your pick from spearmint and peppermint or mix them both. They need to be nice and fresh for a perfect cup of tea. Since mint helps in digestion its best to be consumed after a heavy meal. Boil water and the crushed mint leaves till the water becomes green. Then add tea leaves and sugar and let it cook for one to two minutes. Lastly add milk and bring to a boil. Adding milk is optional. Serve nice and hot and you will love the flavour of mint. You can add jaggery or honey instead of sugar.

Mumbai Masala Chai or Cutting Chai- Every corner on the streets on Mumbai sells the most delicious Masala Chai or cutting chai meaning half chai in these very special glasses. These glasses keep the chai nice and hot till the very last sip. Its made in brass pots but you can start boiling water in a pan if you don't have a brass pot at home. ( Tea lovers invest in a brass pot for you tea ;) ) Add freshly crushed ginger and cardamom powder , its optional to add chai masala to spice it up. Once it comes to a boil add milk, the quantity of milk is 3/4 and of water is 1/4 its okay to add more milk to make it nice and thick. Bring it to a boil and add sugar to taste. Pour in glasses and serve hot with biscuits or Bun Maska. This is my favourite combination and my comfort meal too.

CHAI gives you positiviTEA
Photo credit - internet

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