Sunday, January 13, 2019

Happy Lohri 2019

Happy Lohri 2019 - Knowing more about the traditional harvest festival
In the ancient times Lohri was celebrated at the end of the traditional month when winter solstice occurs. It celebrates the days getting longer as the sun proceeds on its northward journey. The day after Lohri is celebrated as Maghi Sangrand.
Lohri is celebrated to mark the end of the peak winter, this festival is traditionally associated with the harvest of the rabi crops.Hence, Punjabi farmers see the day after Lohri as the financial New Year. 

The meaning of Lohri
There are two meanings based on two different stories , in the first story the word Lohri has come from the term ‘loh‘, which means a big iron griddle or tava, used for making chapattis for community feasts. According to another tale the word is originated from ‘Loi’, who was the wife of reformer Kabir Das.

How Lohri is celebrated
Lohri is celebrated by lighting a huge bonfire in the yard after the last of the rabi crops are chopped. Idols of Lohri goddess are made with cattle dung and place beneath the fire.The bonfire is lit at sunset and people dress in traditional new clothes.
They circle around the fire and throw sesame seeds, jaggery, and rewaries in it. Later they sit around the fire till it dies out.

They pray to the fire god, to bless their land with abundance and prosperity. Following this people exchange greetings with their friends and family.
Sugarcane products such as gajak, jaggery are an important part of Lohri celebrations, as these are made from the crops harvested in the month of January. Peanuts, and popcorn are also distributed among the people as Prasad. Makki ki roti and sarson ka saag is prepared and served as dinner.

Here's wishing everyone a Very Happy Lohri!
 Picture credit - Internet


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