Monday, January 7, 2019

Baked vegetables and fish in butter garlic orange zest

Baked vegetables and fish in butter garlic orange zest

Here is one of my fish creation which turned out pretty well, so I thought of sharing it.
Its baked vegetables and fish with my favorite spices, pepper and garlic and orange slices to keep the fish moist and bring out a zesty and tangy flavor.

Fresh fish - Pomfret or basa
Fresh vegetables - The same quantity of the fish.
Eg - If you are cooking 500 grams of fish take assorted 500 grams vegetables. This ratio is important to maintain an equal proportion of protein and fibre.
Herbs for flavour - Select from basil or spring onions.
Garlic - Finely chopped - 1 tbsp
Pepper and salt as per taste.
Olive oil for the final mix and greasing the bowl
 oranges - cut into rings along with the skin.

So lets start cooking
Wash clean and chop the vegetables and herbs. Add salt, pepper and olive oil and keep in a bowl
Wash, clean and apply garlic paste , salt and pepper on fish and place on the vegetables.
Let it marinate for 30 minutes. Add orange slices on top and bake for 20 minutes at 180 degrees till the fish is cooked. Poke a fork to check if the fish is done. If the vegetables have left out water. remove the orange slices and bake for additional 5 minutes for the water to dry up.
Serve hot and enjoy the tangy fish with vegetables.
Enjoy it with garlic bread and a glass of freshly prepared juice. A healthy meal ready in minutes.

Cooking tips - Use colourful vegetables in your food for more nutritional value . Vegetables like broccoli, read and yellow capsicum, carrots, mushroom and greens for high iron.
Drain out the water from the fish either by lightly squeezing the fish or wrapping in a thin muslin cloth and putting some weight on the fish , allow the water to drain for 5 to 10 minutes.
Spices like garlic, pepper and less salt keeps the food healthy and tasty, You can taste the real flavour of the fish and vegetables. Feel free to experiment with food and flavours.

This is how colourful and delicious it can get.

Photo credits - Me and the seafood quote is from the internet.

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