Saturday, June 26, 2021

Hug a tree

Hug a tree 🌳🌲🌴

When a toddler hugs a tree it communicates love, friendship, support, and many other sentiments they wish to convey. A hug communicates to others that trees are an important part of our lives and they need a hug too. 

You can plant a tree to celebrate a birthday, an anniversary, a promotion or a business success. Tree hugging is the easiest yoga art to connect you with nature.

The scientific explanation is Hugging a tree increases levels of hormone oxytocin. This hormone is responsible for feeling calm and emotional bonding. When hugging a tree, the hormones serotonin and dopamine make you feel happier.” Also studies have clearly shown that hugging a tree boosts the production of oxytocin.

Trees are good for the soul. They’re 
essential to the air we breathe. And they provide a royal example of strength and perseverance.

Tree hugging is the easiest yoga art to connect you with nature.” “If you want to have peace on this planet free of stress and turmoil, go to a tree, and hug it.

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