Sunday, November 24, 2019

Importance of outdoor play for toddlers


It goes without saying that every child should have ample outdoor play time. The whole-body movement, gross motor development, risk-taking, opportunity for cooperative play, loads of sunshine (natural vitamin D), and sound sleep at night which is most important for active toddlers—the benefits are endless. I take some time to gather the energy , but when we are out my bunny simply  L.O.V.E.S it.  Today was a bright sunny day and we went to the park to enjoy the sometime on the swing, slide and merry go round. 

 Toddlers under the age of 5 years need at least one hour per day of moderate to vigorously physical activity for proper physical and mental growth and development. So avoid being a couch potato and step outside with your toddler and burn those calories with a smile. 

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