Sunday, November 24, 2019

Importance of outdoor play for toddlers


It goes without saying that every child should have ample outdoor play time. The whole-body movement, gross motor development, risk-taking, opportunity for cooperative play, loads of sunshine (natural vitamin D), and sound sleep at night which is most important for active toddlers—the benefits are endless. I take some time to gather the energy , but when we are out my bunny simply  L.O.V.E.S it.  Today was a bright sunny day and we went to the park to enjoy the sometime on the swing, slide and merry go round. 

 Toddlers under the age of 5 years need at least one hour per day of moderate to vigorously physical activity for proper physical and mental growth and development. So avoid being a couch potato and step outside with your toddler and burn those calories with a smile. 

Toddlers and birds

A simple fun activity like observing birds are actually building their brains, bodies, and characters for later life.

Simply activities like climbing trees, exploring rocks and butterflies, or even just playing games outdoors with friends help benefit children intellectually, socially, emotionally, and physically as well. 
Being outside and surrounded by nature, children experience an ever-changing and free-flowing environment that stimulates all their senses.

Bunny really enjoys being outdoors and I enjoy taking him out too where he can explore and learn.

Summer outfit - @firstcryindia
Black shoes - @firstcryindia