Monday, April 1, 2019

Bayroute - Middle Eastern Dining experience

B is for BAYROUTE - My first time dining in a Middle Eastern Specialty cuisine restaurant and now Im simply loving the food and wonderful experience. #BlogChatterA2Z

Visited Bayroute in Powai on a late afternoon and the place had a good occupancy, as soon we entered we were shown to our table and menu handed over to us, which we need to read from the end to start, thats backwards like they do in the middle Eastern countries.The smallest of the detail has been taken into consideration; from the décor which reminds you of the palatial interiors with a hue of Pink all over to the soft traditional folklore music which plays in the background. 

We started off with few drinks and enjoyed the beautiful presentation here.
Dessert Storm - Its an In-house cocktail; Whiskey based and comes along with edible soil in a box filled with smoke; the presentation alone will mind blow your imagination here. First sip and you realize the thickness level of the concoction with a hint of Clove & Gulkhand with a flowery design on top. This is a must have if you are a fan of  Whiskey based cocktails.

Old Fashioned- The Old Fashioned had the right amount of sugar & bitters. A neat drink to sip on while feasting on all the lip smacking appetizers!

Coming to the food; each dish is an experience in itself and prepared authentically!

Appetizers :

Dukkah Lamb : A complete meal in itself, comes with shredded lamb in the middle of thick parsley sauce with a light sprinkle of pomegranate and accompanied by some sauteed veggies and hot rotis.

Salmon Kebab - Norwegian Salmon used in this preparation; perfectly grilled chunks of Salmon served with harissa spiked broccoli with a side of Cucumber & fresh coconut salad.

Kataifi Rubyan : Phyllo dough strings wrapped around Prawns and deep fried served on a bed Chive Pesto sauce. Give it a try if you haven’t had it.

Kebab Istanbul : Skewered minced lamb - Really well marinated and cooked to perfection served along with a side of fries and Tahini sauce. Dip the minced lamb in the Tahini sauce and you can experience flavors at a new high! 

Cumin Lamb Kebab : A version of Mutton Galouti but flavored a bit different. Minced Lamb patties placed on thick sesame crusts and served along with a dressing of yoghurt & mint. Its something different , yet worth trying if you are a fan of Galauti kebabs. 

Mains  Course- I was really impressed with the presentation and taste. Its an all new level of food.

Salmon Chermoula : Norwegian Salmon steak fire roasted to perfection served with Potato pancakes (Latkes) topped with finely cut paste of Tomato, Coriander & Basil and a side of Green Beans. This dish was perfect in all the ways and a celebration of flavors; must have if you are visiting Bayroute. (Compulsorily Recommended)

Rubyan Meshwi : Presentation will get you WOW & Taste will take you a level Higher! Tiger Prawns are charcoal grilled and served on a thin bed of mashed sweet potato & finely cut paste of Tomato, Coriander & Basil with grilled Asparagus on the side. The Prawns is simply bursting with flavors and once mixed with the add-ons turns it into something at a different level for Prawn lovers.

Desserts : Coming to the last but one of the best part of our dining experience at Bayroute!

Baklava : A dessert with too much drama but surpasses the expectation. A real Rose dipped in liquid nitrogen and crushed in front of you and sprinkled on a generous slice of Baklava; this slice comes with a layer of gulkhand Ice cream along with a generous dosage of Almond & Pistachios neatly places between layers of Phyllo sheets. Baklava at Bayroute is not just a dessert but an experience to be had! 

Fluffy Cheesecake : A Cheesecake slice topped with a scoop of ice-cream with White chocolate and some crushed cookies,  I think this would be a lot better without the Chocolate & Cookies since the cheesecake itself is so delicious , it really doesnt need any ad on flavours.

Bayroute is truly the epitome of tribute to the Middle Eastern & Mediterranean cuisine and will keep you calling back for more of their culinary magic.Its truly one of the best dining experience I have had in a while. 



  1. Very well explained. Will visit when in town. Keep it up.

  2. Middle Eastern cuisine if done right is scumptous. Being a vegetarian, I focussed on the drinks and dessert bit, and that sound ls incredible! Whiskey based cocktail with gulkand- sounds intoxicating!!

  3. Awesome description and tasteful pictures.

  4. Really enjoyed dining here, loved the cocktails here.
