Monday, March 18, 2019

Tips for a Solo Traveler

Its one of the best experience ever, traveling alone.

It gives you time with yourself and explore and do things you have always wanted to do. But its always good to be safe and here are a few simple tips when you traveling SOLO. 

 Take care of your belongings always 

You don’t have the advantage of an extra pair of eyes looking after your belongings. Its always safe carrying your backpack at the front in crowded places and never leaving your belongings unattended at any point of time. Keep your things in one bag and you actually need fewer things than you think you might need! So carry just the essentials and stay light.
Carry your charger and keep your phone charged at all times 

Its always goof to keep in touch with your family and friends and keep your phone charged. Network is not always good while roaming , however when you get network drop in a message to your friends and family and send them pictures to let them know you are safe.
Carry water and a fruit for a trek 

Stay hydrated and carry a bottle of water always. If you need to buy water ensure its sealed . Never drink water that is offered to you or from the tap. Its always better to be safe than sorry. A fruit is just incase you need that energy and know it might take a bit longer to eat your meal.
Wear appropriate clothing and footwear while visiting places of worship.

Most places of worship require you to wear clothes covering your body ( no shorts and revelieing clothes ) also you need to take off your shoes upon entry. You may have to place your shoes on a public shoe rack or on the floor together with others. It’s best to wear a pair of inexpensive or keep it in your bag. Many places also have someone looking after the shoes for a small fee.
Go for ride sharing apps like Ola or Uber 

You can also opt for ride-sharing apps like Uber and Ola. It’s really helpful when you need to get to a location without having to fuss.You won’t have to worry about being charged exorbitantly for your trip. You know you will be dropped off at the correct location and can keep a tab on the route followed through 

Picture credits - The internet.

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