Friday, July 23, 2021


Books can be our toddlers best friends, hence the importance to raise a reader. Reading from the early years has so many benefits. 

Start early and encourage reading in toddlers as early as possible. Few simple do's to help your toddler fall in love with books. 

📕 Read stories before naptime, afternoon and night. This gives them sound sleep at night. 

📕 Use songs and nursery rhymes to build phonetic awareness. Keep singing and talking to them, this improves their vocabulary and makes them talk sentences faster. 

📕 Display books everywhere, with their toys, on their bed,  so they are atracted to pick them up and read them. 

📕 Encourage toddlers to turn the pages and give them time reading and explaining the pictures thus building their vocabulary

📕 Read together and give a variety of 📚 books, like stories, nursery rhymes, picture talk, stickers .... 

📚 Be patient and make reading fun. Listen to your toddler, answer his questions and talk to them, allowing a two way conversation. 

📕 Ask questions while reading and make mistakes to check if your toddler is paying attention. If they are not paying attention we need to sharpen our story telling skills and make reading and story telling more interesting for them. 

Make books their best friend. Give a variety of story books and make reading exciting and fun. I remember reading a story book every night before bedtime and would love my bunny to grow up reading too. It's the most satisfying time of te day. A book in your hand and your head on the pillow. The best way to unwind before bedtime. 

Check out a parents guide to a reader for valuable tips Scholastic guide to readers